Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wednesday, November 3rd

Today we decide to walk to the Orsay museum and have the good fortune to stop by another incredible Cathedral along the way called St. Clotilde.  Wonderfully clean energy, lovely art work, statues and icons.  Much more enjoyable than Chartres!

The Orsay is a museum of Impressionist art in an old train station which was beautifully remodeled in the 1980s.  

It is a stunning building with a gigantic inventory of art pieces, but we are immediately drawn into the Jean-Leon Gerome exhibit and spend the entire time admiring his work.  Nothing else seems quite as captivating to us that day, especially since his pieces are done in photograph-like realism and the other displays are Impressionist (Monet and Van Gogh which have never been my favorites).

We pass an antique frame shop on our walk and go inside to inquire about the gorgeous frames in the window display which are shaped like small golden Cathedrals.  Only 700 Euros for the pair, we are told.

  It figures that the thing we would be most drawn to would empty the bank account on the spot!
Another lovely little dinner and dessert smuggled up to the room (strict rules about “outside food” going up to the rooms, but food purchased in the breakfast room and eaten upstairs 
is perfectly acceptable.  Right.) and a good night’s sleep after much walking.

The Orsay Museum

Jean Leon Gerome

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